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Pluto in Aquarius:

Writer's picture: AquaLux AstrologyAquaLux Astrology

The Foundation of a Technological New World

PLUTO ENTERS AQUARIUS. Arguably the most pivotal transit of the decade or, maybe in our lifetimes. Pluto, the planet of transformation, transmutation, purification and metamorphosis will be making a twenty-year transit through the sign of Aquarius for the first time in over 240 years. Aquarius is all about pushing the boundaries and blazing a new or futuristic trail. Aquarius rules over humanitarianism, The Collective, large groups of people, communities, math, data, information, analytics, the Internet, the most advanced-forms of communication, space, aliens and anything out-of-the-box or other-worldly. Above all, Aquarius energy loves to be rebellious and go against the grain. 

Past historical events that have occurred when Pluto has been in Aquarius include: The American Revolution, The French Revolution and The Industrial Revolution... The Declaration of Independence was even signed during the last Pluto in Aquarius transit! Historically, Pluto in Aquarius represents a time when the power has been brought back to The People. We can look back at the American and French Revolutions and see clear parallels throughout the world today that are beginning to cause the foundations of unstable, structured, societal systems to rumble and crack. The Industrial Revolution brought major changes and advancements in technology as well as a major shift in streamlining the manufacturing line which we're experiencing similarly now during this Technological Revolution via AI, robots, drones and more that's up the pipeline.

Pluto in Aquarius it the anti-hero. You can expect societal views on the laws of physics and medicine to be pushed, challenged and transformed throughout the next 20 years in ways we can't yet imagine. Energetic techniques like Reiki, sound baths, and vibrational healing are likely to be more prominent and widely accepted for medicinal purposes as technology beings to catch up to be able to measure the effectiveness of these ancient, age-old healing methods that are re-emerging after centuries of being suppressed and hidden away (a result of The Age of Pisces).

Pluto is the planet of transformation, regeneration, rebirth, power and intensity. When Pluto transits a planet or house that is in your natal chart, it activates that placement and triggers a transformation and rebirth of that particular planet or house. Shifts in personal identity, circumstances and values are clear symptoms of a Pluto transit. Pluto can highlight major power struggles and power dynamics that may have been overlooked, but when the Pluto transit is activating a placement in your chart, there is an opportunity for transformation and healing during and after a crisis-- in the end, this crisis will always trigger regeneration. 

Pluto transits provide intense, emotional experiences as Pluto is connected to the sign of Scorprio which is a fixed, water sign. (Fixed means it stays until the job is done and water is directly connected to emotions.) Scorpios are the Kings and Queens of transformation where emotions can be hidden deep under the surface; we must be willing to shine a light on the shadow side of ourselves if we want to accept ourselves fully and experience deep and profound transformation. Emotions can be hidden deep below the surface and Pluto gives us no choice but to expose those shadows in order to experience deep healing. One thing is for certain, when we dive into the discomfort of revealing the shadow, there is sure to be transformation on the other side. 

Pluto represents deep, psychological insight involving endings and beginnings. The start of a major life challenge often begins at the start of a Pluto transit that regenerates a major challenge which eventually leads to change and regeneration. Pluto has connections to sexuality and sexual healing of traumas which is one of Pluto's superpowers. Capricorn, ruled by the planet Saturn, is a cardinal earth sign which represents initiating movement that is then experienced on the earth realm. With Pluto and Capricorn fusing their energies together over the last 15 years, a transformation was initiated in regards to top-down, societal structures of the material world when Pluto first entered into Capricorn in 2008 (governments, banks, religious institutions, educational systems, Big Pharma and Big Tech, to name a few).

As Pluto progresses through the sign of Aquarius, collective changes and transformations of societal values surrounding technology and technological advances will likely result. (Think normalizing the fusion of human with machine-- Uranus in Gemini is coming up 2025... brain chips are definitely on deck.) Pluto also rules over crime and all things subterranean or 'under the surface', where the roots of everything can be found. This transit will, at the very least, trigger an awakening of what’s going on 'under the surface' in regards to societal structures, technology, the Internet, data, digital currency, advanced forms of communication, human rights, toxic substances, the well-being of the collective and the longevity of human-kind as a whole.

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